Survival Compasses: How to Choose The Best Compass

by Brett Roberts


In an age where digital navigation tools like the Garmin Inreach have become the norm among outdoor enthusiasts, the humble compass might seem like a tool of yesterday. However, the truth is far from it. Modern compasses, especially when paired with a paper map, remains an indispensable tool for survival, off-grid hiking, bushcraft and 4x4 navigation.

Unlike electronic devices, a compass does not rely on batteries or satellite signals, along with basic features, a simple design and easy navigation make it a reliable companion in even the most remote or challenging environments.

Imagine finding yourself in dense forests where the canopy obscures the sky, or in deep valleys between towering mountains where a handheld GPS device signal is unreliable. In these scenarios, a good compass and a detailed map of the area become your best friend in navigating to safety. Understanding how to use a compass through developing your compass skills teaches you to read the landscape, improve your orientation skills, and develop a deeper connection with the natural world—skills that electronic devices simply cannot replicate.

There are situations where you'll be glad you brought a great compass. In the event of a technological failure, such as a dead battery or damaged GPS unit, a compass and a map offer a fail-safe navigation method. Additionally, in areas with magnetic anomalies that could disrupt GPS accuracy, a magnetic compass remains unaffected and reliable. Compass navigation also encourages mindfulness and engagement with your surroundings, enhancing your outdoor experience and potentially making it safer by increasing your awareness of environmental features and changes.

This blog post aims to guide you through selecting the best compass for survival in 2024, considering various models and features that cater to different needs and preferences. Whether you're a seasoned bushcrafter, a weekend hiker, or someone who likes to be prepared for any situation, finding the right compass can significantly impact your safety and enjoyment in the wilderness.

Review Criteria

When venturing into the wilderness, selecting a compass that meets your navigation needs is crucial. Not all compasses are created equal, and understanding what to look for can make a significant difference in your outdoor adventures. Here are the key criteria we'll use to evaluate the best compasses for survival in 2024:

1. Accuracy and Reliability (20 points)

  • Accurate Bearing: The ability to provide precise directional readings.

  • Magnetic Declination Adjustment: A feature that allows for corrections based on the difference between magnetic north and true north, essential for accurate map work.

2. Durability and Resistance (20 points)

  • Water Resistant: To ensure functionality in wet conditions.

  • Robust Construction: The compass should withstand the rigors of outdoor use, including drops and exposure to elements.

3. Ease of Use (20 points)

  • Luminous Markings: For visibility in low light conditions or during night navigation.

  • Clear Baseplate: Aids in map reading and route planning.

  • Straight Edges and Scales: For measuring distances on maps.

4. Special Features (20 points)

  • Sighting Mirror: Enhances accuracy when taking bearings.

  • Global Needle: For use in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

  • Magnifying Lens: Useful for reading detailed maps.

  • Additional Features: Such as a clinometer for measuring slopes.

5. Portability and Design (20 points)

  • Compact Size: Easy to carry without being cumbersome.

  • Ease of Attachment: Features like a lanyard hole or clip for secure attachment to gear.

Each compass types will be scored out of a total of 100 points, which will then be converted to a score out of 10 for ease of comparison. This comprehensive evaluation will help ensure that we recommend compasses that not only meet basic navigation needs but also offer the durability, features, and ease of use necessary for survival situations.

Now, let's jump into the compass reviews to see how each model measures up against our criteria.

Silva Ranger Compass

Silva Ranger

The Silva Ranger is a versatile and reliable compass, favored by outdoor professionals and enthusiasts for its precision and durability. It stands out in the crowded field of navigational tools with its blend of traditional features and modern enhancements.

Key Features

  • Sighting Mirror: Enhances accuracy for taking bearings, a critical feature for precise navigation.

  • Adjustable Declination: Allows users to adjust for magnetic declination, ensuring bearings align with true north for reliable map work.

  • Magnifying Glass: Integrated into the baseplate, it's invaluable for reading detailed topo maps.

  • Luminous Markings: Glow-in-the-dark features facilitate night navigation.

  • Durable Construction: With a water-resistant casing, it's built to withstand harsh outdoor conditions.

  • Clear Baseplate: Features straight edges and scales for easy map reading and route planning.


  • Accuracy and Reliability: The Silva Ranger scores high with its sighting mirror and adjustable declination, essential for accurate navigation. (18/20)

  • Durability and Resistance: Its robust, water-resistant build ensures it can handle the rigors of outdoor use, scoring top marks. (20/20)

  • Ease of Use: With luminous markings and a clear baseplate, it's user-friendly, even in low light conditions. However, its feature-rich design may require a learning curve for beginners. (17/20)

  • Special Features: The magnifying glass and additional features like the sighting mirror and luminous markings make it a versatile choice for various navigation tasks. (19/20)

  • Portability and Design: Its compact size and ease of attachment make it highly portable, though it's slightly bulkier than some alternatives. (16/20)

Total Score: 90/100 (9.0/10)

The Silva Ranger's combination of precision, durability, and user-focused design makes it an excellent choice for serious navigators and outdoor adventurers seeking a reliable compass for diverse conditions and scenarios.

Suunto MC2 Compass

Suunto MC-2

The Suunto MC-2 is a professional-grade (military use) compass renowned for its accuracy and advanced navigation features. It is designed for demanding outdoor conditions and offers a range of functionalities that cater to both experienced navigators and outdoor enthusiasts who require reliability and precision.

Key Features

  • Global Needle: Works seamlessly in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, offering reliable direction finding anywhere on Earth.

  • Sighting Mirror: Provides enhanced accuracy for taking bearings, crucial for navigating through challenging terrains or to distant landmarks.

  • Adjustable Declination: Allows for easy adjustments to account for magnetic declination, aligning bearings with true north for accurate map work.

  • Luminous Markings: Facilitate navigation in low light conditions or at night, enhancing usability in various environments.

  • Durable Construction: Built with a robust, water-resistant compass housing to withstand harsh outdoor elements and demanding use.

  • Magnifying Lens: Integrated into the baseplate for detailed map reading, essential for planning routes and identifying terrain features.


  • Accuracy and Reliability: With its global needle and precision sighting mirror, the Suunto MC-2 excels in delivering accurate bearings in any part of the world. (19/20)

  • Durability and Resistance: Its sturdy construction and water resistance make it a reliable companion for rugged outdoor adventures, scoring it highly. (19/20)

  • Ease of Use: The adjustable declination and luminous markings make it user-friendly, though mastering all its features might take time for beginners. (17/20)

  • Special Features: The combination of a global needle, sighting mirror, and magnifying lens sets it apart as a tool for serious navigation tasks. (20/20)

  • Portability and Design: While offering extensive features, it remains compact and portable, though not as lightweight as simpler models. (17/20)

Total Score: 92/100 (9.2/10)

The Suunto MC-2 stands out for its comprehensive features and global usability, making it an exceptional choice for adventurers and professionals who demand the utmost in accuracy and reliability from their navigation equipment.

Silva Starter Compass

Silva Starter

The Silva Starter compass stands as an ideal entry point for those new to navigation or seeking a simple, reliable tool for outdoor adventures. It's specifically designed with beginners in mind, offering ease of use and essential features without overwhelming the user. The Silva Starter is a testament to Silva's commitment to quality, even at the entry level of their product range and offers the following features:

Key Features

  • Clear Baseplate: Designed for ease of handling and reading, featuring straight edges for quick map work and route planning.
  • 2-Degree Resolution Dial: Offers sufficient detail for basic navigation tasks, making it easier for beginners to read and understand.
  • Luminous Points: Enhance low-light usability, allowing for basic orientation during dusk or in dim conditions.
  • Compact and Lightweight: Its small size and minimal weight make it extremely portable, ideal for light packers or young adventurers.
  • Durable Construction: Built to Silva's high standards, ensuring resilience against the wear and tear of outdoor activities.


  • Accuracy and Reliability: While designed for basic navigation, it provides consistent directional guidance suitable for beginners or as a backup compass. (15/20)
  • Durability and Resistance: Its sturdy build can handle the challenges of outdoor use, providing a reliable navigation aid in various conditions. (16/20)
  • Ease of Use: The compass's design focuses on simplicity, making it incredibly user-friendly and an excellent choice for those learning navigation skills. (19/20)
  • Special Features: Lacks the advanced features of higher-end models but includes everything necessary for foundational map and compass skills. (13/20)
  • Portability and Design: Excelling in portability, its design is ideal for those prioritizing ease of transport and storage. (19/20)

Total Score: 82/100 (8.2/10)

The Silva Starter compass is recommended for its straightforward design and functionality, making it a perfect choice for beginners, educators, and anyone in need of a simple yet reliable navigation tool. Its emphasis on ease of use and durability, coupled with Silva's reputation for quality, ensures that even the most novice adventurers can step confidently into the world of outdoor navigation.

Suunto A Compass

Suunto A

The Suunto A S9 series compasses are celebrated for their straightforward design and ease of use, making them an excellent choice for beginners or anyone in need of a reliable, no-fuss navigational tool. Designed with the essentials in mind, the Suunto A provides everything needed for basic orientation and map reading.

Key Features

  • Clear Baseplate: Incorporates straight edges, scales, and a simple rotating bezel, making map reading and route planning intuitive.

  • Fixed Declination Correction Scale: While not adjustable, it provides a reference for dealing with magnetic declination, simplifying navigation.

  • Luminous Markings: Ensure the compass can be used during dusk or in low-light conditions, enhancing its versatility.

  • Compact and Lightweight: Its small size and light weight make it exceptionally portable, perfect for light packers or as a backup compass.

  • Durable Construction: Designed to be durable and water-resistant, it withstands outdoor use and various weather conditions.


  • Accuracy and Reliability: Offers reliable directional guidance suitable for basic navigation tasks, though it lacks the precision features of more advanced compasses. (16/20)

  • Durability and Resistance: Its sturdy build and resistance to elements make it a dependable choice for casual outdoor activities. (17/20)

  • Ease of Use: The compass's straightforward design and luminous markings (tritium illumination) make it exceptionally user-friendly, particularly appealing to beginners. (19/20)

  • Special Features: Lacks some of the advanced navigation aids found in higher-end models but includes all necessary features for effective basic navigation. (14/20)

  • Portability and Design: Excelling in portability, its compact and lightweight design is ideal for those who prioritize ease of carrying. (19/20)

Total Score: 85/100 (8.5/10)

The Suunto A series stands as a solid choice for those new to outdoor navigation or for anyone seeking a simple, effective compass. Its ease of use and portability make it a popular option for casual hikers, scouts, and educational purposes.

Brunton Tru Arc Compass

Brunton TruArc

The Brunton TruArc compass is designed for the demanding user who requires accuracy, durability, and versatility for navigating in diverse environments. Brunton, a brand synonymous with high-quality navigational tools, offers the TruArc as a solution for adventurers, geologists, and military personnel who demand the best in land navigation.

Key Features

  • Global Needle: Ensures accurate navigation in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, eliminating the need for different compasses when traveling across the globe.

  • TruArc Global Needle System: Offers reliable performance without the need for regular adjustments, catering to users in any location.

  • Triple Inclinometer System: Useful for assessing slopes, angles, and elevation changes, which is invaluable for outdoor professionals and enthusiasts engaged in detailed landscape analysis.

  • Luminous Markings: Provide visibility in low-light conditions, ensuring the compass can be used effectively at any time of day or night.

  • Ever-North Magnet: A specialized magnet that resists demagnetization and ensures long-term reliability and accuracy of the compass needle.


  • Accuracy and Reliability: The global needle and TruArc system offer unparalleled accuracy and consistency in readings, essential for precise navigation. (20/20)

  • Durability and Resistance: Built to withstand harsh conditions with a rugged design and resistance to elements, the TruArc scores highly in durability. (19/20)

  • Ease of Use: While packed with advanced features, there is a learning curve. However, its design is intuitive enough for those familiar with compass navigation. (17/20)

  • Special Features: The triple inclinometer system and Ever-North magnet set the TruArc apart as a tool for serious navigational tasks and outdoor exploration. (20/20)

  • Portability and Design: Its design focuses on functionality and durability. While slightly bulkier than simpler models, it remains portable for the advanced user. (17/20)

Total Score: 93/100 (9.3/10)

The Brunton TruArc is an exemplary compass for those who require the utmost in navigational accuracy and environmental adaptability. Its construction and features make it ideal for professionals and dedicated adventurers seeking a reliable tool for detailed exploration and navigation across various terrains and conditions.

Choosing the Right Compass

Selecting the ideal compass for your outdoor adventures is a personal decision that hinges on several factors, including the type of activities you engage in, the environments you explore, and your level of experience with navigation. Here are some key takeaways and considerations to help guide your choice:

Understand Your Needs

  • Type of Activity: Casual hiking, orienteering, and backpacking have different navigational requirements compared to professional surveying, military operations, or high-altitude mountaineering. Choose a compass that aligns with your primary activities.

  • Region of Use: If your adventures take you across different hemispheres, consider a compass with a global needle, like the Suunto MC-2 or Brunton TruArc, to ensure accuracy wherever you go.

  • Experience Level: Beginners may prefer the simplicity and ease of use of the Suunto A, while more experienced navigators might opt for the advanced features of the Silva Ranger or Brunton TruArc.

Evaluate the Features

  • Accuracy and Reliability: Essential for all users, but particularly critical for those venturing into remote or challenging terrains where precise navigation is vital.

  • Durability and Resistance: A rugged, water-resistant compass is a must-have for outdoor activities, ensuring longevity and dependability.

  • Ease of Use: Luminous markings, a clear baseplate, and an intuitive design can enhance the user experience, especially in stressful or low-light conditions.

  • Special Features: Consider whether additional features like a sighting mirror, inclinometer, or adjustable declination are necessary for your navigation tasks.

Personal Preference and Budget

  • Design and Portability: Your compass should be comfortable to carry and use, fitting easily with the rest of your gear.

  • Price: Compass prices vary widely, from affordable basic models to more expensive ones with advanced features. Balance your budget with the features and quality you need.

Our Recommendation

While each compass we've reviewed has its strengths, the Brunton TruArc stands out as our top recommendation for its unparalleled accuracy, reliability, and suite of advanced features suitable for global use. Its dedication to durability and functionality makes it a worthy investment for serious adventurers and professionals who demand the best from their navigation tools.

However, the best compass for you ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences, and the nature of your outdoor activities. We encourage you to consider the detailed evaluations provided, weigh the pros and cons, and choose a compass that will be your reliable guide on all your adventures.

In the next section, we'll wrap up this comprehensive guide with a conclusion that reiterates the importance of a quality compass in your outdoor toolkit.


Navigating through the great outdoors, from the dankest forests to the highest peaks, demands more than just a sense of adventure. It requires the right tools to guide you safely on your journey and back home. Among these, a dependable compass stands as an essential piece of gear, a silent guardian that ensures you always find your way, regardless of the challenges nature may present.

In our journey looking into the world of compasses, from the straightforward and user-friendly Suunto A to the highly advanced and globally adept Brunton TruArc, we've seen a wide array of options tailored to meet the needs of every outdoor enthusiast. Whether you're a beginner looking to chart your first course or a seasoned professional demanding precision in uncharted territories, there's a compass designed to guide your steps.

Remember, the best compass is not the most sophisticated or the one with the most features; it's the one that suits your specific needs, preferences, and the nature of your adventures. A compass you can use is a compass that gets you home safely.

Consider the activities you engage in, the environments you explore, and your level of experience with navigation when making your choice. A compass, after all, is more than just a tool; it's a companion on your journey, a link between you and the landscape, guiding you through the unknown and bringing you safely to your destination.

We hope this guide has illuminated the path to selecting your ideal compass, giving you with the knowledge to choose the best option for you needs.

With the right compass in hand, the world is yours to explore. Embrace the adventure, trust in your navigation, and always, follow your true north.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is magnetic declination, and why is it important? Magnetic declination is the angle difference between magnetic north (the direction the compass needle points) and true north (the actual direction of the North Pole). Understanding and adjusting for declination is crucial for accurate navigation and map work.

  2. How do I use a compass to find true north? To find true north, you must adjust your compass for the local magnetic declination. Once set, aligning your compass with magnetic north will point you towards true north.

  3. What are the advantages of a sighting compass over basic compasses? A sighting compass allows for more precise bearings by aligning a sight on the compass with a specific landmark, improving navigation accuracy, especially over long distances.

  4. Can I use my compass in both the northern and southern hemispheres? Standard compasses are designed for use in one hemisphere. However, global needle compasses, like the Suunto MC-2 and Brunton TruArc, work accurately in both hemispheres.

  5. Why is a liquid-filled capsule important in a compass? A liquid-filled capsule stabilizes the compass needle, reducing oscillation and providing quicker, more accurate readings.

  6. What additional features should I look for in a survival compass? Features like adjustable declination, luminous markings for low-light navigation, a sighting mirror for precision, and a durable, water-resistant design are valuable for survival situations.

  7. How do compasses compare to GPS devices for off-grid navigation? While GPS devices provide detailed geographic information and ease of use, they rely on battery power and satellite signals. Compasses, being manual instruments, offer reliability and independence from technology, crucial in remote or challenging environments.

  8. Why might I need a compass with a magnifying lens? A magnifying lens helps in reading detailed topographical maps, allowing for more precise navigation and route planning.

  9. How do I maintain my compass to ensure its longevity and accuracy? Keep your compass away from strong magnetic fields, store it in a dry, safe place, and clean it gently with a soft cloth to maintain its accuracy and longevity.

  10. What should I do if my compass seems to be giving inaccurate readings? First, ensure you're away from large metal objects or strong magnetic fields. Check for any damage or bubbles in the liquid capsule. If problems persist, consider recalibration or replacement.

This guide has aimed to equip you with both the knowledge to select the perfect compass and the answers to common questions you may have on your navigational journey. Remember, mastering the use of a compass enhances your connection with the natural world, imbuing your adventures with a sense of confidence and freedom.